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Sunset Zone 12 Planting Guide

Arizona Sycamore

Arizona Sycamore

Genus / species: Acer saccharinum
Family: Aceraceae

Species characteristics
Size: 40' - 80' x 60' x 80'
Flowers: Inconspicuous spherical flowers
Leaves: Palmately veined, three to fi ve lobes, 4" - 8" wide
Bark: Grayish to white
Fruit: 1" bristly brown spheres on long stalks

Comments/tree care:
• Recommended for park-like areas or large yards
• Fast growth rate
• Prefers rich, moist soil
• Long lived
• Needs ample water


Atlas Cedar

Atlas Cedar

Genus / species: Cedrus atlantica
Family: Pinaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 60' x 30'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Bluish green 1" needles
Bark: Silvery gray and fissured
Fruit: Brown 3" cones

Comments/tree care:
• Pyramidal when young, flat crown at maturity
• Moderate growth rate
• Evergreen
• Tolerates most soils if well drained
• Drought tolerant


Netleaf Hackberry

Netleaf Hackberry Genus / species: Celtis reticulata
Family: Ulmaceae
Species characteristics
Size: 30' x 30'
Flowers: Gray green, thick, rough
Leaves: Dark green, scalelike
Bark: Reddish brown to ash gray, rough
Fruit: 1/2" drupe, relished by birds

Comments/tree care:
• Tall pyramidal form
• Fast growth rate
• Heat and drought tolerant
• Use as focal or accent plant
Netleaf Hackberry makes for an excellent native shade tree in the urban areas of the Sonoran Desert.


Chinese Pistache

Chinese Pistache

Genus / species: Pistacia chinensis
Family: Anacardiaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 30' - 60' x 30' x 50'
Flowers: Inconspicuous
Leaves: Dark green, compound
Bark: Gray brown
Fruit: Red berry

Comments/tree care:
• Rounded crown
• Moderate growth rate
• Brilliant fall color
• Tolerates heat and alkaline soils
• Dioecious


Evergreen Elm

Evergreen Elm

Genus / species: Ulmus parvifolia
Family: Ulmaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 35' x 35'
Flowers: Inconspicuous green
Leaves: Dark green, serrated
Bark: Reddish, peeling
Fruit: Flat, papery, winged samara

Comments/tree care:
• Umbrella-like crown
• Fast growth rate
• Provides high, deep shade
• Semi-evergreen
• Tolerates heat and alkaline soils
• Accepts lawn conditions




Genus / species: Prosopis spp
Family: Fabaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 25' - 30' x 25' x 30'
Flowers: Yellow catkins
Leaves: Bipinnately compound oval leaflets
Bark: Dark reddish brown to black
Fruit: Tan pods, 5" - 7" long

Comments/tree care:
• Wide crown
• Fast growth rate
• Good choice for shade
• Limit water to control growth and wind throw
• Edible seed pods



Genus / species: Pinus eldarica
Family: Pinaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 30' - 60', 15' - 25'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Dark green needles in bundles of two
Bark: Reddish brown
Fruit: Cones 2" - 4" long

Comments/tree care:
• Pyramidal shape
• Fast growth rate
• Uniform branching habit
• Tolerates heat and alkaline soils
• Drought tolerant


Sweet Acacia

Sweet Acacia

Genus / species: Acacia farnesiana
Family: Fabaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 20' x 20'
Flowers: Golden yellow puffballs
Leaves: Bipinnately compound 1" - 4" long
Bark: Reddish brown
Fruit: Dark brown woody pods 1" - 3" long

Comments/tree care:
• Vase shaped
• Moderate growth rate
• Fragrant flowers
• Likes deep soil with good drainage
• Heat tolerant


Afghan Pine

Afghan Pine

Genus / species: Pinus eldarica
Family: Pinaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 30' - 60', 15' - 25'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Dark green needles in bundles of two
Bark: Reddish brown
Fruit: Cones 2" - 4" long

Comments/tree care:
• Pyramidal shape
• Fast growth rate
• Uniform branching habit
• Tolerates heat and alkaline soils
• Drought tolerant




Genus / species: Olneya tesota
Family: Fabaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 25' x 25'
Flowers: Dusty lavender, pea shaped
Leaves: Gray green, bipinnately compound
Bark: Gray
Fruit: Tan pods with 1 - 4 edible seeds

Comments/tree care:
• Rounded crown
• Slow growth rate
• Provides light shade
• Prefers deep, well drained soil
• Wood is so dense it does not float
• Will not tolerate lawn conditions


Desert Willow

Desert Willow

Genus / species: Chilopsis linearis
Family: Bignoniaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 25' x 20'
Flowers: White, pink-purple tubular
Leaves: Medium green, 3" - 6" long
Bark: Dark gray
Fruit: Thin capsule with papery seeds

Comments/tree care:
• Upright, sprawling form
• Fast growth rate
• Deciduous in winter
• Tolerant of any well drained soil
• Flowers are slightly fragrant
• Attracts hummingbirds




Genus / species: Dalbergia sissoo
Family: Fabaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 30' x 50' x 30'
Flowers: Small, creamy pea-like
Leaves: Pinnate with 3 - 7 oval leaflets
Bark: Gray-brown, shaggy with age
Fruit: Tan, flattened

Comments/tree care:
• Erect, open crown
• Fast growth rate
• Bright green leaves
• Moderate to low water use
• Prune to remove included bark



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