EVENT HEAD JUDGES/LEADERSHIP TEAM- oversee set up and facilitation of event. Works closely with the ACTC Staff regarding key volunteer assignments, training, etc. Making sure cycle and reset times are efficient to help facilitate a timely event. May need to time and/or score based on volunteer support. Also responsible for observing competitors and calling out any safety infractions and responding to competitors giving audibles. May have to disqualify competitors. Good knowledge of the event and ITCC rules are required. Knowledge of applicable local standards. Must be an ISA Certified Arborist.
RULES ADVISOR-Extensive knowledge of the event and ITCC rules are required. Knowledge of applicable local standards. Must be an ISA Certified Arborist.
SPANISH INTERPRETER-Knowledge of the event and ITCC rules are required. Knowledge of both the Spanish and English languages.
IN-TREE TECH-assist with resetting event within the tree, observing others during events, and relaying any information needed to the Head Judge. Calling out safety infractions they see that are not observed from the ground. Possible retrieving Competitor gear. Climbing and competition experience needed.
SCORING JUDGE-understanding of event and how to score the Competitors. Scoring experience not needed, Competition experience important but does not need to have been a competitor. Should understand the competition to better aid in scoring. Must be an ISA Certified Arborist.
GROUND TECHS– assist in resetting events and clearing Competitor’s equipment. Duties may include timing depending on the number of volunteers.
GEAR INSPECTOR– Works in teams of two (2). Be competent in operation of gear used. Understand what key components should be inspected for with each kind and type of equipment being inspected. Should be willing to get a 2nd opinion if they do not know everything to aid in the gear inspecting process. May need to disqualify equipment that is unfit for use. Must be an ISA Certified Tree Climber Specialist and/or ISA Certified Arborist.
TIMER-uses a stopwatch or cell phone timer to time the Competitors in the event ring during the event.
CLIMB STATION MANAGER-assist with climber check-in, assist climb judges with scoresheets, etc.
RUNNER-regularly gathers scoresheets from each event and takes them to the Scorekeeper. Must be available on Saturday.
SCOREKEEPER/ASSISTANT SCOREKEEPER- enters data collected from the scoresheets into an ITCC approved excel spreadsheet and provides printed reports on Competitor scores throughout the day. Basic knowledge on Excel required, training on the ITCC program provided.
FOOD TENT SUPPORT-assists ACTC staff with set up of food and distribution of meals to Competitors and Event Volunteers on Saturday.
EVENT STEWARD -assists ACTC Staff with various onsite tasks on Saturday, including set up of Tree Festival area, garbage/recycling, water stations, placing signage, setting up tables, etc.