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Sunset Zone 1A Planting Guide

Engleman Spruce

Engleman Spruce Genus / species: Picea engelmannii
Family: Pinaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 150' x 60'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Bluish-green needles, 1/2 - 1" long
Bark: Grayish or purplish-brown, thin & scaly
Fruit: Light brown papery cones, 1" - 2-1/2" long

Comments/tree care:
• Densely branched
• Slow growth rate
• Recommended for parklike areas or large yards
• Prefers fine, moist soils with good drainage
• Long life span


Douglas Fir

Douglas Fir

Genus / species: Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca
Family: Pinaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 100' x 30'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Dark green needles, 1" - 1-1/2" long
Bark: Reddish brown, very thick when mature
Fruit: Reddish brown, 3" long oval shaped cones

Comments/tree care:
• Sharply pyramidal form when young
• Moderate growth rate
• Recommended for parklike areas or large yards
• Prefers coarse, well drained soils
• Wind tolerant


Quaking Aspen

Quaking Aspen

Genus / species: Abies concolor
Family: Pinaceae

Species characteristics Size: 90' x 25'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Light bluish-green, flat needles, 2" long
Bark: Light gray bark
Fruit: Yellow cones 3" - 5" long

Comments/tree care:
• Low to moderate water
• Slow-moderate growth rate
• Recommended for parklike areas or large yards
• Requires moist, coarse, well drained soil
• May need shelter when young


White Fir

White Fir

Genus / species: Populus tremuloides
Family: Salicaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 20' - 60' x 15'
Flowers: Showy catkins in early spring
Leaves: Bright green rounded leaves
Bark: Smooth, whitish to gray, thin bark
Fruit: Woolly capsule enclosing 6 - 8 small hairy seeds

Comments/tree care:
• Thin crowns that are oval to columnar
• Fast growth rate
• Yellow to red fall color
• Good accent tree or in groups
• Invasive roots, avoid planting near streets or water lines
• Dioecious


Colorado Blue Spruce

Colorado Blue Spruce

Genus / species: Picea pungens glauca
Family: Pinaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 100' x 40'
Flowers: Cone bearing
Leaves: Bluish-gray or green, 1-1/2" long, stiff
Bark: Gray or brown and scaly
Fruit: Light brown papery cones, 2" - 4" long

Comments/tree care:
• Densely branched
• Slow growth rate
• Pyramidal shape
• Recommended for parklike areas or large yards
• Sensitive to soil compaction
• Drought sensitive


Gambel Oak

Gambel Oak

Genus / species: Quercus gambelli
Family: Fagaceae

Species characteristics
Size: 20' - 30' x 15'
Flowers: inconspicuous Leaves: Dark green lobed leaves, 2" - 6" long
Bark: Gray or brown with thick scaly bark
Fruit: Egg shaped acorns

Comments/tree care:
• Forms thickets from creeping root system
• Very slow growth rate
• Foliage turns yellow, orange or red in fall
• Good landscape tree if you have time to wait


Silver Maple

Silver Maple

Genus / species: Acer saccharinum
Family: Aceraceae

Species characteristics
Size: 50' - 80' x 60' - 60'
Flowers: Inconspicuous
Leaves: Lobed 3" x 6", green top w/silver bottom
Bark: Silvery gray bark
Fruit: Double-winged samara, 1-1/4" x 2"

Comments/tree care:
• Short, stout trunk
• Fast growth rate
• Train scaffold branches to wide crotch angles
• Gold fall color
• Ice and snow damage in colder zones



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